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Karen Stilp

Name: Karen Stilp
Photo - Karen Stilp
Location: Green Bay
United States 54311
Contact: I can be contacted through a phone number if you would like to discuss any matter. 920-471-9028

Send Karen Stilp a message
Additional Info: Thank you for taking your precious time to read my profile. May God work through this to help others in the area of education. I taught five years at a private school in the area of Language Arts. For some of you that are confused about Language Arts, it involves the area of English, spelling, writing, grammar, and the arts, of course. I also taught Bible studies and likewise taught in the area of old and new testaments of the bible.
English can be fun only if its understood in the simplest manner possible. I taught junior high age which includes the ages of 12-16! One on one teaching is very appealing to me personally, for I would like to be a teacher of the whole student. Writing essays is vitally important for this age group. I finished college late in life when I was well into my 40's so I know that college preparation is important for the student and it takes preparing the student early on for writing skills. In college, I observed the fact that writing was an enormous part of the curriculum. Junior high students must be prepared for writing. I can help your student in this area. I am currently tutoring all ages, and love it.
Please feel free to contact me with any questions. The classroom experience really guided me to this phase in my life. So many parents are working two jobs; those young students need tutoring for two reasons. One, to help academically and secondly, to have a heartfelt relationship with an adult that cares. I promise to make this a lifetime experience for your child. God bless!
Mrs. Stilp
Fees: I believe that tutor fees are negotiable. Thank you for working with me on this request.
Subjects: English, Essay Writing, Religious Studies, OTHER ARTS / CREATIVE
Additional: References, Can Tutor Online
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